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TPR issues consultation on draft single code of practice

Introduction First announced in 2019 (see 7 Days), TPR published the consultation on its draft code of practice on 17 March 2021. Calling for industry views on its efforts to create “a clearer, more accessible single code of practice”,...

TPR's strengthened powers
The Pensions Regulator’s new clothes powers

So, the much discussed Pension Schemes Bill has finally received Royal Assent and we will now start to see the Pensions Regulator’s (TPR) new powers in practice.  Or will we? In the past, TPR has been criticised for using its powers...

TPR's strengthened powers
TPR’s new interview powers in the Pension Schemes Bill

For those wanting to get a good overview of the Pension Schemes Bill 2019 – 2021, you could do a lot worse than read the briefing paper published in the House of Commons Library. If you managed to make it to page 32, you would see that...

TPR deadlines
TPR updates its easements – October and January changes to note

Over the last few months, TPR has granted a raft of temporary easements in order to support employers and trustees through “these challenging times” and let them concentrate on the immediate risks the pandemic posed to their schemes. A...

Hot topic: Annual funding statement 2020 – what employers need to know

Introduction TPR’s annual funding statement (published on 30 April 2020) acknowledges that these are very challenging times for many businesses (see our Alert). Employers will be relieved to see an emphasis on trustees and employers...

Finance & investment briefing – June 2020

Our Finance & investment briefing (PDF) takes a look at current issues of interest to pension scheme investors. In this briefing: Covid-19: practical issues relating to investments TPR Guidance on Investments Cayman Islands –...

2020 funding statement – trustees and employers must work together

Introduction Unsurprisingly, a key focus of TPR’s annual funding statement (published on 30 April 2020) is the current pandemic. The statement stresses the need for trustees and employers to work together to manage the impact of...