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Spare a thought for your pension administrators

Administering occupational pension schemes is a tough gig. The past few months have seen a steady stream of new legislation which has meant administrators have had to make significant changes to their processes, systems and documentation...

TPR publishes annual funding statement 2022 in “turbulent times”

Introduction TPR’s latest annual funding statement was published on 27 April 2022.  As you would expect, TPR focuses on the current period of “significant economic uncertainty” and how this may impact schemes.  The statement...

TPR’s single code: a marathon, not a sprint (but you need to start training)

The Pensions Regulator (TPR) consulted earlier this year on its proposed new single code of practice (the Code). The Code is to combine 10 of TPR’s existing 15 codes of practice into an updated and online format, and with content that...

New notifiable events and the declaration of intent

Introduction Against the backdrop of PSA21, on 8 September 2021,  the DWP published a consultation seeking views on changes to the notifiable events regime. In addition, the Government confirmed that it will press ahead with the...

New contribution notices under PSA21 – TPR consults on code of practice changes

Introduction On 27 May 2021, TPR published a consultation on draft changes to Code of Practice 12 (to be titled “Contribution Notices: Circumstances in relation to the material detriment test, the employer insolvency test and the...

2021 funding statement – the continuing impact of a global pandemic

Introduction TPR’s latest annual funding statement was published yesterday. Unsurprisingly, the current pandemic (and its knock-on effect on covenant monitoring and contingency planning) remains a high priority. The statement also...

TPR's strengthened powers
New FCA/TPR “regulated advice” guidance: shades of grey

On 30 March 2021 the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and the Pensions Regulator (TPR) issued updated joint guidance for employers and trustees on “providing support with financial matters without needing to be subject to FCA...