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Project management
What does the future hold for defined contribution?

The only certainty in the pensions industry (in my experience anyway) is that there is no such thing as a quiet year. Now that the dust has settled on the Spring Budget tax changes, it is an opportune time to look at what the future might...

Hot Topic: TPR’s General Code: what should trustees be doing now?

TPR’s new single code of practice (the “Code”) is expected to be published in spring 2023. Although we are still waiting to see what the final Code looks like, there are steps trustees can take now to prepare. Read our hot topic...

TPR publishes annual funding statement 2023

Introduction TPR’s latest annual funding statement (the “statement”) was published on 27 April 2023.  With the majority of schemes estimated to have improved funding positions, TPR encourages trustees to consider if their long-term...

Is your Single Code strategy race-ready?

At the time of writing, the updated version of the Pensions Regulator’s (TPR) new single code of practice (the Code) is still awaited. Although we are not yet at the finish line, TPR has indicated that it hopes we’ll see the finalised...

New funding and investment strategy regulations – what do they mean?

The DWP is currently consulting on draft regulations which set out the detail of the requirements introduced under the Pension Schemes Act 2021 for defined benefit schemes to have a funding and investment strategy and submit a written...

Hot topic: TPR’s Single Code – what should trustees be doing now?

TPR’s new single code of practice (the “Code”) is expected to be published in autumn 2022. Although we are still waiting to see what the final Code looks like, there are steps trustees can take now to prepare. In this Hot Topic:...

Corporate briefing – July 2022

2022 has been an eventful year to date. The war in Ukraine, combined with rocketing inflation and general economic uncertainty, has impacted schemes and employers in different ways. Against this backdrop, in this briefing we take a look...