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Who’s Who? Identifying your statutory employer

Introduction In July 2011, TPR issued a statement: Identifying your Statutory Employer. It reminds trustees that they should “identify and assess the legal obligations of each of the scheme’s employers, as well as the nature and extent...

Review of the EU Pensions Directive: Response to EIOPA consultation

EIOPA has issued a consultation in connection with its review of the “IORP” or Pensions Directive. The consultation focuses on: the scope of the Directive; the definition of “cross-border activity”; the scope of prudential...

Employer Debt consultation: Sackers’ Response

Background We note that the DWP’s consultation on employer debt, published on 28 June 2011, is aimed at addressing concerns that the Employer Debt Regulations still unnecessarily inhibit corporate activity, in particular the ability...

Employer Covenant: Final Guidance

Introduction TPR’s guidance on “Monitoring employer support: Covenant, contingent assets and other security” (the Guidance) was finalised on 30 November 2010. The tenor of the guidance has not changed significantly since the draft...