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Pensions and Growth – A call for evidence

Introduction On 25 January 2013, the Government took the first steps along the road to making possible changes to the DB scheme funding regime by issuing “A call for evidence” relating to the “smoothing” of assets...

Employer Asset-Backed Contributions: The final piece of the ABC jigsaw?

Introduction The Finance Act 2012, which received Royal Assent this week1, brings into force legislation on employer-asset backed contributions (ABCs) to occupational pension schemes, aimed at clamping down on arrangements that deliver...

Funding in a cold economic climate? TPR’s first annual statement

Introduction TPR has today published the first in what is to be a series of annual statements on scheme funding. Aimed at providing guidance for trustees of DB schemes who are going through the valuation process, the statement sets out...

Contingent assets 2012/13: is your guarantor good for the money?

Introduction The PPF has strengthened the certification requirements for Type A contingent assets1 in response to concerns that, under the previous arrangements, some guarantors did not have the financial resources to meet their guarantee...

Who’s Who? Identifying your statutory employer

Introduction In July 2011, TPR issued a statement: Identifying your Statutory Employer. It reminds trustees that they should “identify and assess the legal obligations of each of the scheme’s employers, as well as the nature and extent...

Review of the EU Pensions Directive: Response to EIOPA consultation

EIOPA has issued a consultation in connection with its review of the “IORP” or Pensions Directive. The consultation focuses on: the scope of the Directive; the definition of “cross-border activity”; the scope of prudential...

Employer Debt consultation: Sackers’ Response

Background We note that the DWP’s consultation on employer debt, published on 28 June 2011, is aimed at addressing concerns that the Employer Debt Regulations still unnecessarily inhibit corporate activity, in particular the ability...