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Latest News

A new DC decumulation framework (aka rethinking the pension freedoms)

As part of its Mansion House reforms announced in July, the Government published a consultation (which has since closed) on a new policy framework to support DC members in trust based schemes in decumulation. If I’ve lost you already...

What happens when the pensions industry gets drawn into bigger world events?

Want to hear more on the LDI crisis and the Virgin Media case? Click here to listen to James and Pete’s recent podcast where they dive deeper into the subject. So much of what we do is complex and technical.  To the outside...

What does the consumer duty mean for pension scheme trustees?

The FCA’s new consumer duty aims to set higher and clearer standards of consumer protection across financial services, requiring firms to put their consumers’ needs first. It applies from 31 July 2023, for new products and services and...

Is your Single Code strategy race-ready?

At the time of writing, the updated version of the Pensions Regulator’s (TPR) new single code of practice (the Code) is still awaited. Although we are not yet at the finish line, TPR has indicated that it hopes we’ll see the finalised...

Pensions Dashboards – draft regulations published

Introduction On 17 October 2022, the draft Pensions Dashboard Regulations (the “Regulations”) were laid before Parliament. Click here for a PDF of this Alert. In this Alert Key points Background What are the key duties under the...

1 October – what’s changing?

Introduction Several changes are coming into effect from 1 October 2022 and beyond.  Where necessary trustees and employers should seek advice on what those changes mean for their schemes and on any preparatory steps they should be...

New funding and investment strategy regulations – what do they mean?

The DWP is currently consulting on draft regulations which set out the detail of the requirements introduced under the Pension Schemes Act 2021 for defined benefit schemes to have a funding and investment strategy and submit a written...