
Find out what’s happening at Sackers. Our News section provides information about recent work, press comment and media coverage, and what our people are doing.

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Retirement savings and financial advice – changes in the pipeline

Introduction Two consultations and a call for evidence are underway which look set to simplify certain elements of financial advice in the retirement savings context. For a PDF version of this Alert please click here. In this Alert Key...

PLSA DB taskforce: call for evidence – Sackers’ response to consultation

Background The PLSA’s “DB Taskforce” opened a call for evidence on 9 June 2016, in relation to the challenges facing DB schemes and potential solutions. With DB schemes “swimming against the economic and social tide in order to...

Creating a secondary annuity market

Introduction The Government has published three consultations in connection with the proposed secondary market for annuities (“the New Market”). For a PDF version of this Alert click here. In this Alert Key points Background...

Finance (No.2) Bill 2016

Introduction The Finance (No.2) Bill 2016 (“the Bill”) was published on 24 March 2016. It includes measures which were first published draft in December 2015 (see our Alert) as well as new provisions which were announced in this...

Changes coming into force on and from 6 April 2016

Introduction In yet another busy year for pension schemes, the tax rules (see our Alert) are not the only things changing on and from 6 April 2016. A host of other reforms will also come into effect from that date. For a PDF version of...

Abolition of DB contracting-out: statutory modification power

Introduction As a result of the introduction of the new single-tier state pension, DB contracting-out will be abolished with effect from 6 April 2016. Due to consequential changes to legislation in relation to the abolition of DB...

Countdown to abolition of DB contracting-out: Tricky issues

Introduction As a consequence of the introduction of the new single-tier state pension, DB contracting-out will be abolished with effect from 6 April 2016 (“the Abolition Date”). In this Alert we set out some of the trickier issues...