Tag: Master Trusts

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DC briefing – October 2019

The DC briefing (PDF) highlights topical news on DC pensions from a legal viewpoint. In this briefing: Is your data Dashboard ready? Collective defined contribution (CDC) What’s on the horizon? Spotlight: Moving to a master...

DC hot topic: Master trust supervision regime

Until recently, the focus of master trusts has been on obtaining authorisation from the Pensions Regulator (TPR). Master trusts that have been authorised will not, however, be able to rest on their laurels for long. Obtaining authorisation...

DC hot topic: Exiting the DC master trust market

The arrival of the master trust authorisation regime has focused trustees’ and employers’ minds on the future of any DC non-associated multi-employer schemes that they run. Where these schemes meet the definition of a master trust in...

DC hot topic: Transferring to a DC master trust – key issues

With the increased focus on governance of DC benefits it can be expensive and time consuming to meet all the regulatory expectations in an employer’s own occupational DC scheme or DC section of a hybrid DB/DC scheme.  We have seen a...

DC hot topic: Master trust authorisation

The law relating to master trust authorisation comes into full effect from 1 October 2018.  All DC master trusts must apply for authorisation by 1 April 2019, or wind up. In order to be authorised by the Pensions Regulator (TPR), master...

Master Trust Supervision and Enforcement Policy

Background TPR is consulting on its draft master trust supervision and enforcement policy, which sets out its approach to regulating master trust pension schemes. In this response General comments Supervision Enforcement General comments...

Occupational Pension Schemes (Master Trusts) Regulations 2018 – Sackers’ response to consultation

Background The DWP is seeking views on the draft regulations that will fully commence the new authorisation and supervisory regime for Master Trust schemes under the provisions of the Pension Schemes Act 2017 (“the 2017 Act”). In this...