Tag: Defined Contribution

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DC AVCs – DB schemes beware!

DB schemes that provide DC AVCs must comply with certain DC requirements. Read our Hot topic...

What does high inflation mean for pension schemes?

For most of the past thirty years it is fair to say that if you were lucky enough to have a defined benefit (DB) pension then you didn’t need to worry about inflation too much. With the cost of living soaring this looks set to change....

Stronger (Nudge) than yesterday

Stronger than yesterday. Or at least come 1 June, if your scheme contains DC benefits, you’ll need to be. Why? Because in January the DWP published final regulations[1](the “Regulations”) requiring DC trustees to implement a Stronger...

Spare a thought for your pension administrators

Administering occupational pension schemes is a tough gig. The past few months have seen a steady stream of new legislation which has meant administrators have had to make significant changes to their processes, systems and documentation...

DC briefing – March 2022

The DC briefing (PDF) highlights topical news on DC pensions from a legal viewpoint. In this briefing: DC agenda Pensions dashboards Delivering the Stronger Nudge to...

Cool (pension scheme) runnings – working with your administrator

Cool (pension scheme) runnings – working with your administrator Administering a pension scheme is not easy and the bar keeps getting higher with new requirements such as the statutory transfer checks and the stronger nudge to guidance....

Stronger Nudge to pensions guidance

Introduction On 17 January 2022, the DWP published its response to the July 2021 consultation, together with final regulations, on proposals to implement a “Stronger Nudge” to pensions guidance. Click here for a PDF of this Alert. In...

Simpler annual benefit statements – an update

Following on from my August 2021 blog post on the DWP’s plans to introduce simpler annual benefit statements, we have now had some time to digest the DWP’s response in October to its consultation and the finalised Regulations, which...

Collective DC: the dawn of a new era?

Earlier this year the Pension Schemes Act 2021 provided the long awaited statutory framework for Collective Money Purchase (“CMP”) schemes, commonly referred to as Collective Defined Contribution (or “CDC”) in the UK.   This was...