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Developing a Retirement Quality Mark

Background The Board of the Pension Quality Mark (PQM) launched a consultation in November 2015 on its proposed new Mark, the Retirement Quality Mark (RQM). The existing PQM is focused on the accumulation phase of retirement saving, with...

Banning member-borne commission in occupational pension schemes

Background The DWP is consulting on the best way of regulating a ban on member-borne commission payments in relevant occupational pension schemes that provide money purchase benefits and which are being used as qualifying schemes for...

TPR consults on revised DC Code of Practice

Introduction On 24 November 2015, TPR issued a consultation on a revised Code of Practice on the governance and administration of occupational DC trust based schemes (“the Draft Code”). The purpose of the Draft Code is to “set out...

DC briefing – October 2015

The DC briefing highlights topical news on DC pensions from a legal viewpoint. In this briefing: Four key DC issues Spotlight interview with Andrew Warwick-Thompson, Executive Director at the Pensions Regulator...

Strengthening the incentive to save: a consultation on pensions tax relief – Sackers’ response to consultation

Background On 8 July 2015, HM Treasury published a consultation to examine whether there is a case for reforming pensions tax relief. The Government has asked for views on the potential for reform. While the consultation itself does not...

Section 67 essentials

Section 67 of the PA95 applies whenever a power to modify an occupational pension scheme is exercised to make a change (known as a “regulated modification”) which would or might adversely affect a member’s subsisting rights. ...

Bribery Act 2010: Basics

The Bribery Act 2010 came into force on 1 July 2011. It aims to update and simplify the UK’s anti-corruption laws. The Act creates 4 offences: offering, promising or giving a bribe (active bribery); requesting, agreeing to receive or...