Tag: Defined Benefit

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Corporate briefing – April 2021

Our Sackers Corporate briefing (PDF) takes a look at the latest developments in pensions for employers and corporate investors. In this briefing TPR’s new powers Our recent experience of the risk transfer market and some tips for...

TPR consults on new criminal sanctions policy

Introduction TPR today published a consultation, which closes on 22 April 2021, on its proposed policy approach towards investigating and prosecuting two new criminal offences being introduced under the Pension Schemes Act 2021: avoidance...

Reform of RPI

Introduction On 25 November 2020, HMT and the UK Statistics Authority (“UKSA”) published their response to this year’s consultation on the reform of RPI. Click here for a PDF of this Alert. In this Alert Key points Background How RPI...

Protecting schemes from sponsoring employer distress

Introduction On 12 November, TPR published guidance for trustees of all DB schemes, encouraging them to prepare now for the possibility that their sponsoring employer could face financial difficulties in the future. Trustees should also be...

The calm before the storm?

At the start of the pandemic, TPR was quick off the mark to publish funding and investment guidance for trustees. It subsequently updated this in June, to reflect its view of the impact of the ongoing crisis on pension schemes and to...

TPR issues superfund guidance for prospective ceding trustees and employers

Introduction On 21 October 2020, TPR published guidance for trustees and employers contemplating a transfer to a DB consolidator superfund (or other new model). The guidance sets out TPR’s approach to regulating such transfers, and its...

The FCA’s pension transfer consultation – some points for trustees to ponder

The FCA’s consultation on advising on pension transfers has now closed and we wait with baited breath for the response; expected in early 2021. Add that to the lists of reasons for wishing 2020 away. In the meantime though, there’s...

Implementation Statements – what do trustees need to do and by when?

All occupational pension schemes must prepare an annual report and accounts within seven months of the end of each “scheme year”. However, on and from 1 October 2020, there is a new requirement that annual report and accounts must also...

Corporate briefing – July 2020

Contents Our Sackers Corporate briefing (PDF) takes a look at the latest developments in pensions for employers and corporate investors. In this briefing: Scheme funding – what employers need to know Employers under strain – pensions...