
Find out what’s happening at Sackers. Our News section provides information about recent work, press comment and media coverage, and what our people are doing.

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Finance & investment briefing – March 2023

Our Finance & investment briefing (PDF) takes a look at current issues of interest to pension scheme investors. In this briefing TPR guidance on maintaining LDI resilience Legal update Risk transfer highlights...

Finance & investment briefing – December 2022

Our Finance & investment briefing (PDF) takes a look at current issues of interest to pension scheme investors. In this briefing New DWP Guidance on SIPs and ISs Greening Finance Roadmap Legal...

Consultation – Broadening the investment opportunities of DC schemes

Introduction On 6 October 2022, the DWP published a consultation on draft regulations and statutory guidance (“the Regulations” and “the Guidance”, respectively) intended to implement certain of the changes proposed in its March...

Finance & investment briefing – September 2022

Our Finance & investment briefing (PDF) takes a look at current issues of interest to pension scheme investors. In this briefing ESG – a financial factor? A spotlight on recent judgments Legal...

Call for evidence – Helping savers understand their pension choices

Introduction The DWP published a call for evidence on 14 June 2022 to explore what support members of pension schemes need to help them make informed decisions about how to use their savings. It will also seek to understand what support...

What does high inflation mean for pension schemes?

For most of the past thirty years it is fair to say that if you were lucky enough to have a defined benefit (DB) pension then you didn’t need to worry about inflation too much. With the cost of living soaring this looks set to change....

Finance & investment briefing – June 2022

Our Finance & investment briefing (PDF) takes a look at current issues of interest to pension scheme investors. In this briefing Risk transfer highlights 2021 Navigating investment exclusions Legal...