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ICSA consultation: The practice of minuting meetings – Sackers’ response to consultation

Background The Governance Institute is consulting on draft guidance on the practice of minuting meetings. Although not specifically aimed at pension scheme trustees, the guidance will be relevant to trustee boards which are established as...

Hot topic: Making the most of Trustee protections

For a PDF version of this hot topic click here. Trustees of all pension schemes have some form of protection, whether statutory or scheme specific, which provides comfort to them in carrying out their duties. With the changing pensions...

Guides to support Code of practice 13: Governance and administration of occupational trust-based schemes providing money purchase benefits – Sackers’ response to consultation

Background TPR is consulting on a series of new guides aimed at helping trustees know “how to” implement the draft revised DC code which is due to come into force in July 2016. The guides have been designed to support the new DC code...

DC briefing – July 2015

Welcome to the latest edition of our DC briefing, which highlights topical news on DC pensions from a legal viewpoint. It has been a busy few months but we now have all the DC pension freedoms (not to mention the minimum governance...

Combating pension scams: The Code of Good Practice

Introduction The Pension Liberation Industry Group published a Code of Good Practice on Combating Pension Scams on 16 March 2015. The Code, which is aimed at trustees, administrators and providers, sets out the steps to be taken when...

Pensions Ombudsman rules on transfer requests

Introduction The Pensions Ombudsman has published decisions in three cases which relate to the refusal by different pension providers to action members’ transfer requests.  In each case, the providers had grounds for concern that the...

TPR launches pension scam awareness campaign

Introduction TPR has re-launched its “scorpion” campaign, the awareness campaign on the risks of being drawn into a pension liberation scam.  The campaign marks a change in emphasis in TPR’s approach, in view of the number of scams...