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Incentives code applies to certain trivial commutation exercises

Introduction In December 2014, the Incentive Exercise Monitoring Board Technical Group (the “Group”) published a note confirming that the Code of Practice on Incentive Exercises (the “Code”) applies to one-off trivial...

RPI – No change

Introduction CPAC was asked to consider and comment on the recommendations the ONS developed following their October 2012 consultation on changing the methodology for calculating RPI. This consultation put forward four possible options...

The Government defines its ambition

Introduction On 22 November 2012, the Government unveiled its strategy for “Reinvigorating workplace pensions”. The proposals build on the Coalition Agreement commitment to put in place “arrangements that result in the...

RPI 2.0 – ONS consultation on changing the index

Introduction Pensions trustees could be forgiven for taking a deep breath and thinking “here we go again” as the ONS consults on making changes to RPI. Following Government announcements in the summer of 2010, CPI replaced RPI...

Consultation on draft legislation – bridging pensions

Introduction On 4 October 2012, the DWP published a consultation on draft legislation which will introduce a limited power for trustees of schemes which provide bridging pensions to modify their rules to take account of the impact of...

Improving transfers and dealing with small pension pots

Introduction The Government expects the introduction of automatic enrolment to lead to the proliferation of dormant DC pension pots. With this in mind, on 15 December 2011, the DWP issued a consultation seeking views on proposals to...

TPR statement on incentive exercises

Introduction Following the publication of an industry “code of good practice” on incentive exercises (the “Code”)1 TPR has reviewed and replaced its incentives guidance with a short principles-based statement. In...