The DC landscape is changing rapidly, with further consolidation expected and a continuing shift to master trusts. It is anticipated that by 2026, master trust assets will grow from £35bn to £400bn. Regulatory pressure on smaller DC schemes is likely to accelerate this trend, with many seeing the benefit of outsourcing DC delivery.

This conference will explore the key trends and developments in DC workplace pensions, including the important role of master trusts, and consider what these mean for the industry, schemes and members. It will also include an update from the Department for Work and Pensions on the imminent Value for Members Assessment.

Helen Ball will discuss the transfer to DC master trust process – the benefits and concerns. For employers moving their DC pension provision to a master trust, there are many benefits. However, transferring DC assets into a master trust needs careful planning and consideration:

  • what kind of trust is suited to the employer’s needs?
  • does the master trust have appropriate governance in place?
  • what are the cost implications of moving and how easy will it be to transfer funds to a new vehicle in the future?
  • what are the innovations in master trusts’ investment strategies pre and post retirement?

Contact Westminster and City for further information and to register.