Our next Quarterly Legal Update for trustees and employers will be delivered as a webinar and chaired by Edward Hayes.

Claire Carey will provide an essential overview of significant developments affecting occupational pension provision in the UK, focusing in particular on the impact of Covid-19.

The global pandemic has placed extra burden on both DB scheme trustees and the employers supporting them alike. Our spotlight will focus on options open to DB trustees and employers to help alleviate the strain, including the possibility of reducing and suspending deficit repair contributions, taking account of TPR guidance issued to date. We will also consider the potential knock-on effects on scheme funding generally, as well as the pensions implications of the Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act.

You will be able to send in your questions to be answered by our experts.

By joining this event you can claim 0.75 hours structured CPD under the PMI CPD scheme.

Click here to register and you will receive further joining instructions.