Pension scheme trustees and employers have long been subject to information and consultation duties in the thorny area of providing financial education and advice to members and employees. But many remain (understandably) unclear what they can and cannot do and are fearful of the repercussions. Equally, trustees and employers may already be signposting to a financial education provider or have selected a financial adviser without having appreciated the legal and regulatory implications of doing so.

This webinar will cover the legal and regulatory context to providing pension scheme members and employees with financial education, guidance and/or regulated financial advice on a range of pension matters, including DB to DC transfers and DC retirement planning. It will look at the role of trustees and employers, consider the pros and cons of taking action or doing nothing, show how risks can be mitigated, and shine a light on the practical steps involved.

By joining this event you can claim 1 hour of structured CPD under the PMI CPD scheme.

Register here and joining instructions will follow.