Our Quarterly Legal Update provides employers and trustees with an essential overview of significant developments affecting occupational pension provision in the UK.

We will consider the impact of key legal issues from the last quarter on the pensions industry and take a look ahead at what the pensions future holds, concentrating on the following four areas:

  • pensions reform
  • legislation
  • regulatory requirements
  • case law.

TPR has promised to be a clearer, quicker and tougher regulator. It is therefore set to get new powers to allow greater corporate oversight, to enhance its anti-avoidance powers, and to beef up available sanctions to deter and punish wrongdoing. Our spotlight session will look at TPR’s proposed new powers, as well as the steps it is already taking in practice to live up to its new mantra.

By attending this event you can claim 1.5 hours CPD under the PMI CPD scheme.