Guest speaker: Yuhang Wang, Bank of America Merrill Lynch

MiFID II comes into force on 3 January 2018.  It will have a significant impact on:

  • how financial services firms do business
  • trading of equities, fixed income and derivatives
  • extent to which activities need to be reported to the authorities.

To highlight the practical implications of these changes and how they will affect pension schemes, we have teamed up with specialists from Bank of America Merrill Lynch who have spent the last few years monitoring and discussing the implementation of MiFID, both internally and at an industry-wide level. The session is aimed at those people with responsibility for pension scheme’s investment activities. It will bring together practical insights gained from working with asset managers across the industry and draw on the way BofAML is making changes to its own broker dealer model to comply with MiFID. In particular, the session will focus on:

  • how research and execution services need to be unbundled and charged
  • impact of the new rules on best execution
  • how changes in the market structure impact trading and liquidity of equities, fixed income and derivatives
  • operational impact to satisfy regulatory reporting obligations
  • practical steps that pension schemes can take in dealing with their managers.

By attending this event you can claim 1 hour CPD under the PMI CPD scheme.