This event is now full. Please email Stephanie Warner if you have any queries. 

With the first anniversary of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) coming into force fast approaching, this session will focus on some of the key issues that trustees (and employers) are dealing with in practice and the reality of running a scheme in the new GDPR world.

In particular, we will be looking at:

  • Dealing with data subject access requests
  • What to expect (and do) in the event of a personal data breach
  • Key elements of policies and processes, and possible areas for a refresh
  • Steps trustees should be taking to ensure continued compliance with the GDPR
  • Where next for the GDPR in the light of possible Brexit outcomes

We will also allocate time during the session for a general “troubleshooting” section, allowing other issues trustees are grappling with to be addressed.

By attending this event you can claim 1.5 hours CPD under the PMI CPD scheme.