The new ESG regulations and statutory guidance are due to be published by the DWP in January and will require larger schemes to have an effective system of governance, monitoring and risk management relating to climate related risks and opportunities in place for October 2021. What do schemes and trustees need to do to apply the new statutory guidance and what are the implications of the regulations?

Our panel of distinguished speakers will consider some of the issues below:

  • What are the key practical legal, investment and governance considerations, when setting a ESG and Climate Risk policy today?

  • What elements can you implement to go further than the statutory guidance? And what might you do if the regulations don’t apply to you?

  • What do trustees really need to do and consider? – How to engage in effective decision making.

  • How can schemes effectively consider E, S and G separately?

  • How does the implementation of ESG policy vary across asset classes in practice?

  • What are the latest developments in carbon emissions assessment, SDG mapping and impact investing?


Chair: Opkar Sara, BP Investment Management Ltd.
Stuart O’Brien, Sackers
Andrew Parry, Newton Investment Management
Kathryn Saklatvala, bfinance

Register for this event with the Pension Investment Academy.