New trustees are given six months from the date of their appointment to get up to speed with the Trustee Knowledge and Understanding (TKU) requirements.

This interactive seminar for trustees of DB and hybrid schemes is designed to be a pain free way of helping to meet these requirements. Using case studies, Caroline Legg, Tom Jackman and Katy Harries will cover the basics of TKU, as well as looking in-depth at trustee discretions and scheme funding.

You will have the opportunity to ask questions and also to share your experiences.

What is TKU?

The TKU requirements came into force in April 2006 and are backed by the Pensions Regulator’s code of practice (and specific guidance documents).

Trustees need to be “conversant” with their scheme’s:

  • trust deed and rules
  • statement of investment principles (SIP)
  • the statement of funding principles (if applicable)
  • “any other document recording policy for the time being adopted by the trustees.

Trustees are to have “knowledge and understanding” of:

  • the law relating to pensions and trusts
  • the principles relating to funding and investment.

By attending this event you can claim 2.5 hours CPD under the PMI CPD scheme.