This Forum is now full.

Aimed specifically at addressing the issues they face, this invaluable forum allows pensions managers the opportunity to ask questions and share experiences on a range of different topics and issues.

The new data protection requirements have now been in force for (almost) six months, but many schemes are still grappling with contracts and the day to day challenge of protecting member privacy.

Nearly three decades ago, the European Court decided that occupational pensions were deferred pay and, as such, schemes were required to treat men and women equally. As a result, schemes “equalised” their retirement ages, often at age 65, and adjusted their benefits accordingly. With the requirements governing GMPs set out in legislation, this type of benefit has continued to be treated differently. Despite the Government making clear its view that benefits should be equalised for the effect of GMPs, uncertainty over whether and how to achieve this has continued to linger. A High Court case may well be about to change all that…

Our latest forum will therefore focus on:

  • The tricky data protection issues schemes are still facing in practice, and some simple steps to help guard member privacy
  • The latest news on GMP equalisation and what remains to be decided

The forum will also include an open “Any Other Business” section, held under Chatham House rules and providing you with the opportunity to discuss any issues with which you are currently contending.  If you would like to take advantage of this section, please let us know the topic you would like to raise when confirming your place.

By attending this event you can claim 1.25 hours CPD under the PMI CPD scheme.