Quarterly briefing – December 2023

The Sackers Quarterly Briefing Q4 2023 highlights significant developments in pensions, covering key areas such as pensions reform, regulatory developments, new legislation and cases.

In this briefing

Current legal agenda

Mansion House reforms

Climate change

TPR update

Data Protection

In other news

  • Automatic enrolment
  • Pensions sharing on divorce
  • PPF levy
  • General levy
  • Brexit and pensions EU law
  • Insurers in financial distress
  • Advice / guidance boundary
  • HMRC publishes McCloud guidance

Case law – Courts

  • The Pensions Ombudsman v CMG Pension Trustees Limited and CGI IT UK Limited (Court of Appeal, 1 November 2023)
  • Brass Trustees Limited v Goldstone and the PPF (High Court, 31 July 2023)

Case law – TPO

  • Mr W (23 October 2023)
  • Mr R (28 April 2023)