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New anti-discrimination laws come into force

On 1 and 2 December 2003, new anti-discrimination legislation comes into force to prohibit discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation and religion or belief. This is the next instalment of the UK legislation needed to put into effect...

Business transfers – do early retirement benefits transfer?

On a business transfer, the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 1981 (“TUPE”) usually apply so that rights and obligations under employment contracts, an employment relationship or a collective...

Funding DB schemes – setting the contribution rate

In this Newsletter we take a fresh look at the often difficult area of setting the employer’s contribution rate in a defined benefit (DB) scheme. We focus, in particular, on the issues for trustees. Download...

Opra Note 1 – new traffic light system takes effect

In October 2002, Opra announced plans to review its guidance for statutory whistleblowers, i.e. the scheme auditors and actuaries appointed by trustees. Earlier this year, Opra consulted on a revised Opra Note 1 (reporting to Opra)...

Consultation on new winding-up priority order published

The Government’s Green Paper of 17 December 2002 set out numerous possibile changes to the statutory winding-up priority order for defined benefit schemes so as to try to ensure a fairer sharing of assets where a scheme which is...

GMPs – a giant leap towards simplification?

It is clear from both the Government’s Green Paper published on 17 December 2002 and it “Action Plan” published on 11 June 2003, that it has been pondering what to do about simplifying guaranteed minimum pensions (GMPS)...

Early retirement – can consent be withheld?

As a method of controlling costs in defined benefit schemes, some employer/trustees are looking afresh at the provisions of early retirement pensions. Scheme rules commonly allow members to retire early upon reaching a minimum age (often...