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Poll findings – DC facts, myths and legends

After another turbulent year for trustees and employers of schemes with DC arrangements, we took stock of DC developments to see what new legal requirements could be arriving shortly. At our recent seminar and webinar we asked more than 70...

Public sector hot topic: Outsourcing special – where now for the LGPS?

For a PDF version of this hot topic click here Since 1999, the Fair Deal guidance has set out the Government’s policy for protecting the pension benefits of public sector staff who are compulsorily transferred to private sector employers...

DC hot topic – Asset security

For a PDF version of this hot topic click here Following the introduction of automatic enrolment and an increasing regulatory focus on DC governance, DC asset security is now in the spotlight. However, not all trustees feel comfortable...

DC hot topic – TPR’s guide to the trustee board

For a PDF version of this hot topic click here TPR’s revised Code of practice on the governance and administration of occupational trust-based schemes providing money purchase benefits came into force on 28 July 2016. To coincide with...

DC hot topic – AVCs and TPR’s DC Code

For a PDF version of this hot topic click here. TPR has amended its Code of practice for occupational trust-based schemes providing money purchase benefits and published new guidance in the form of “how to” guides. The revised DC...

DC hot topic – Key points from TPR’s DC “how to” guides

For a PDF version of this hot topic click here. TPR’s revised Code of practice on the governance and administration of occupational trust-based schemes providing money purchase benefits came into force on 28 July 2016. To coincide with...

DC hot topic – Moving DC funds without member consent

Introduction For a PDF version of this hot topic click here. Trustees sometimes need to move their DC funds without member consent, for example, when: one or more of a scheme’s current investment options are no longer available or...