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DC hot topic: Transferring to a DC master trust – key issues

With the increased focus on governance of DC benefits it can be expensive and time consuming to meet all the regulatory expectations in an employer’s own occupational DC scheme or DC section of a hybrid DB/DC scheme.  We have seen a...

DC hot topic: Master trust authorisation

The law relating to master trust authorisation comes into full effect from 1 October 2018.  All DC master trusts must apply for authorisation by 1 April 2019, or wind up. In order to be authorised by the Pensions Regulator (TPR), master...

DC hot topic: Member Communications – keep it legal!

Giving your lawyers a seat at the table when a communications strategy is being devised can save both time and costs. Not only can lawyers often spot potential pitfalls before they arise, but they have lots of valuable experience that...

Record Keeping: New Scheme Data Requirements

TPR has confirmed that from 2018, scheme returns in respect of DB and hybrid (mixed benefit) occupational pension schemes will require information in relation to the quality of the scheme’s data. We expect the same questions to be asked...

Monitoring DC risk – the risk register

Trustees have a legal duty to establish and operate adequate “internal controls” to ensure that their scheme is run in accordance with the scheme rules and legal requirements. The primary focus of internal controls is a scheme’s risk...

Five top tips for your chair’s annual statement

The chair’s annual statement is a legal document which confirms the steps the trustees have taken to ensure good governance of their DC arrangements over the previous scheme year. Depending on your scheme’s timetable you should either...

Time to get to grips with governance

TPR is keen to raise standards of governance. There is currently no appetite to introduce minimum qualifications for trustees, or a formal CPD framework. Instead, TPR intends to get “back to basics” by: improving its online guidance...