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Hot Topic: Pensions tax – transitional tax-free amount certificates – July 2024

6 April 2024 (“LTA-Day”) marked the end of the LTA and the debut of two new tax-free lump sum allowances: the “lump sum allowance” (“LSA”) and the “lump sum and death benefit allowance”...

Hot Topic: Pensions tax – getting ready for LTA-Day – February 2024

The Finance Act 2024 paves the way for the LTA’s demise from 6 April 2024. But this brings with it a number of complications, the key one being where to draw the dividing line between tax-free lump sums and taxed lump sums. This Hot...

Hot Topic: DC illiquids – Key initial questions – February 2024

The Government is engaged in a concerted policy drive on productive finance and aims to make illiquid investment more accessible to DC schemes. Our latest Hot Topic looks at some of the challenges associated with introducing illiquid...

Hot Topic: Cyber Security – is your scheme prepared? – February 2024

TPR’s new general code of practice is expected to come into force in late March 2024 and contains a new module on cyber controls. With some recent high profile cyber-attacks in the pensions industry, this is a good opportunity for...

Hot Topic: Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act 2023 – November 2023

The Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act (“ECCTA”) received Royal Assent on 26 October 2023. Among other changes, the Act will introduce reforms to the corporate registration framework in the UK. In this Hot Topic:...

Hot Topic: TPR’s General Code: what should trustees be doing now?

TPR’s new single code of practice (the “Code”) is expected to be published in spring 2023. Although we are still waiting to see what the final Code looks like, there are steps trustees can take now to prepare. Read our hot topic...

Hot topic: Rising inflation – considerations for DB and DC schemes

Cost of living increases have reached levels unprecedented in recent history. CPIH rose by 8.8% in the 12 months to July 2022, the highest annual rate since December 1990. High inflation has wide implications for pension schemes and...