
Find out what’s happening at Sackers. Our News section provides information about recent work, press comment and media coverage, and what our people are doing.

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The Contracting-out (Transfer and Transfer Payment) (Amendment) Regulations 2017 – Sackers’ response to DWP consultation

Background The DWP is consulting on draft regulations to introduce changes to enable transfers, in limited circumstances, of pensioner members with GMP or section 9(2B) rights, with their consent, to schemes that have never been...

Bulk transfers of DC pensions without member consent – Sackers’ response to DWP consultation

Background The DWP has called for evidence on how the current provisions on the bulk transfer of defined contribution pensions without member consent, in particular from occupational and stakeholder pension schemes, could be improved. In...

Pension scams – Sackers’ response to DWP/HMT consultation

Background The DWP and HMT are jointly consulting on a package of measures aimed at tackling three different areas of pension scams: a ban on cold calling limiting pension scheme members’ statutory right to transfer making it a...

Equalising pensions for the effect of GMPs – Sackers’ response to consultation

Background The DWP is consulting on draft regulations, legislative review and a proposed methodology for equalising pensions for the effect of GMPs. In this response General comments The new approach Proposed changes to the GMP conversion...

Overseas pension transfers and the advice requirement – Sackers’ response to DWP call for evidence

Background The DWP has issued a call for evidence on the way the “advice requirement” applies to members with safeguarded pension benefits who wish to transfer those benefits outside the UK. In this response General comments Scale of...

ICAEW: Assurance reporting on Master Trusts – Sackers’ response to consultation

Background The ICAEW is consulting on a revision of its Technical Release on Assurance reporting on Master Trusts. Originally released in 2014, the framework for assurance reporting on master trusts produced in partnership with TPR is...

21st Century Trusteeship and Governance – Sackers’ response to consultation

Background As part of its work to examine how trustee boards can meet the challenge of pension scheme governance in the 21st Century, TPR issued a discussion paper on 22 July 2016, setting out what it is doing to educate and support...