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Assurance reporting on master trusts: response to consultation

Background The ICAEW consultation on its proposed framework for assurance reporting on master trusts, produced in partnership with the Pensions Regulator, is designed to help trustees of DC Master Trusts demonstrate to potential and...

Reclassifying DC benefits – Sackers’ response to consultation

Background The DWP’s consultation on the draft Regulations that provide transitional, supplementary and consequential measures supporting the commencement of section 29 of the Pensions Act 2011 seeks views on the Government’s...

Charges: response to consultation

Background The DWP’s consultation paper, Better workplace pensions: a consultation on charging asks for views on whether a cap on charges in default funds should be introduced. The consultation sets out three options for a cap. Option...

Scheme funding in November 2013

Ten things to know now We understand that the draft Code of Practice on scheme funding is due to be published on 4 December 2013. The new affordability objective for TPR is included in the Pensions Bill 2013, which we expect to receive...

DC schemes: Sackers’ response to TPR’s compliance and enforcement policy consultation

Background TPR’s latest consultation sets out its proposed approach to compliance in relation to occupational DC trust-based schemes.  The draft policy outlines TPR’s expectations for compliance with relevant pensions legislation, as...

2014/15 Pension Protection Levy Consultation: Sackers’ response

Background The PPF published its consultation on the 2014/15 Pension Protection Levy Determination on 5 September 2013.  The PPF’s intention is that the levy parameters are unchanged for 2014/15, meaning the total levy will be £695...

Quality standards in workplace defined contribution pension schemes: Response to DWP call for evidence

Background From its latest call for evidence on quality standards in workplace DC schemes, the DWP is looking to gain a greater understanding of the extent to which key standards of governance, investment and administration are currently...