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Better workplace pensions: Putting savers’ interests first – Sackers’ response to consultation

Background On 17 October 2014, the DWP published a Command Paper which includes its response to the consultation on minimum governance standards and certain questions on transparency.  The Command Paper DWP is now consulting on draft...

Proposed rules for independent governance committees – Sackers’ response to consultation

Background The FCA is consulting on proposed rules for independent governance committees (IGCs) (CP14/16) in connection with current Government initiatives aimed at ensuring that all workplace pension schemes deliver value for money. Under...

Retirement reforms and the Guidance Guarantee – Sackers’ response to consultation

Background The FCA is consulting on proposed standards for delivery partners (CP14/11) in connection with the “Guidance Guarantee” that was announced at Budget 2014. This forms part of the package of changes to the pensions tax rules,...

The Draft Taxation of Pensions Bill – Sackers’ response to consultation

Background HMRC is consulting on draft legislation – The Taxation of Pensions Bill – and other documents for the changes to the pensions tax rules announced at Budget 2014 that give individuals greater flexibility to access...

The Finance Act 2004 (Registered Pension Schemes and Annual Allowance Charge) (Amendment) Order 20XX – Sackers response to consultation

Background HMRC is consulting on draft legislation and related amendments to the Registered Pension Schemes Manual (RPSM), with a view to making a number of changes to the annual allowance legislation following the changes in the Finance...

PPF consultation on definition of “money purchase” – Sackers’ response to consultation

In this response: Background General Internally annuitised pensions Guaranteed investment returns Other underpins Background We are responding to the PPF consultation document, Money Purchase Benefits published in May 2014.  The...

Risk mitigation for OTC Derivative contracts: Sackers’ response

Background Sackers’ has responded to the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) on it’s Consultation Paper, Draft regulatory technical standards on risk-mitigation techniques for OTC-derivative contracts not cleared...