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Opra Update 7 – compromising employer debts

On 17 May 2004, Opra published new guidance to trustees of defined benefit (DB) pension schemes who are considering compromising an employer’s debt. Agreements to compromise the employer’s debt have become increasingly...

Opra Note 6 – new traffic light system for voluntary whistleblowers

On 12 May 2004, Opra issued a revised Opra Note 6 which offers guidance to non-statutory (or voluntary) whistleblowers on reporting breaches to Opra. This follows the publication of a reworked Opra Note 1, Opra’s guidance for...

Pension Bill’s progress

A second draft of the Pensions Bill has been published. Following its first publication on 12 February 2004, the Bill has been extensively reviewed during the House of Commons’ Committee Stage. A number of amendments, ranging from...

The Pension Protection Fund

In the Pensions Bill published in February 2004, the Government unveiled its plans for a pensions compensation scheme. The Pension Protection Fund (PPF) is aimed at members of underfunded defined benefit (DB) schemes whose employer goes...

Winding-up priority order regulations laid

Regulations amending the statutory priority order on the winding-up of an occupational pension scheme were laid on 19 April 2004 and will come into force on 10 May 2004. The Government’s Green Paper of 17 December 2002 put forward...

Pensions tax simplification shapes up

On 8 April 2004, the Government published the Finance Bill 2004 which sets out the mechanics for achieving pensions tax simplification. This follows Gordon Brown’s Budget announcement that he would proceed with his plans to replace...

Corporate governance and shareholder activism – the role of trustees

Corporate governance and shareholder activism are becoming increasingly hot topics. There are a number of voluntary initiatives for achieving good corporate governance, including the NAPF 2004 Corporate Governance Policy. A new report by...