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Protecting the PPF – draft code on notifiable events

On 10 December 2004, the second code of practice under the Pensions Act 2004 was published in draft for consultation. The consultation period ends on 4 March 2005, with the code expected to take effect by May 2005. The consultation paper...

“Whistleblowing” – draft code of practice published

On 8 December 2004, the first code of practice under the Pensions Act 2004 was published for consultation by the Department for Work and Pensions: “Whistleblowing” – Reporting breaches of the law. The draft code...

TUPE pension protection regulations published

Draft regulations have been published for consultation to help fulfil the Government’s aim of replacing the pensions exemption under the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 1981 (TUPE) with pensions...

Pensions Act 2004 – timetable for change

2004 has been a busy year for pensions, with much Parliamentary time dedicated to pensions reform. Although the Pensions Act 2004 has received Royal Assent, the road to implementation still lies ahead. Trustees and employers need to be...

A new Pensions Act is born!

Following intense scrutiny by both Houses of Parliament (and a number of twists and turns along the parliamentary way), the Pensions Bill 2004 finally received Royal Assent on 18 November 2004. The Bill, which was first published in...

Anti-avoidance – a “moral hazard”?

The so-called “moral hazard” provisions in the Pensions Bill have stolen many column inches since they were first announced in April 2004. Broadly, their effect is to widen the scope of parties who may be made responsible for a...