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Age – third time lucky?

Last Friday, with just three weeks to go before pension schemes become subject to the age discrimination legislation, the revised amending regulations were laid before Parliament. The new Regulations build on the helpful changes in the...

Pensions White Paper: Government’s response to consultation

The Pensions White Paper was published in May 2006 and provided an insight into the Government’s thinking on the future of UK state pensions. On 30 October 2006, the DWP published its responses to the White Paper consultation and to...

Age – back with a vengence?

Last month, when it postponed implementation of the pensions aspects of the Age Regulations to 1 December 2006, the Government also promised pension schemes more exemptions from the non-discrimination requirements. These arrived this week...

Making use of contingent assets

An increasing number of corporate sponsors and trustees are looking at using contingent assets as an alternative to hard cash when considering scheme funding, or to ease the PPF levy. With this in mind we look at the different types of...

PPF levy proposals for 2007/8

The Board of the Pension Protection Fund has published revised guidance and standard documentation relating to contingent assets and also a consultation document setting out proposals for the 2007/08 risk based levy. Download...

“Age-Day” pushed back – 1 December 2006

Responding to industry pressure, the Government has pushed back the date when new age discrimination laws come into force for occupational and personal pension schemes from 1 October 2006 to 1 December 2006. Amending regulations have been...

Age-Day (now 1 December 2006) – focus on DC schemes

While the effect the anti-age discrimination legislation will have on defined benefit (DB) schemes has covered more column inches to date, defined contribution (DC) schemes have some knotty issues too. In this News, we focus on the impact...