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Draft Regulations – Tour de Transfers

Like an alpine stage, the road to new law on pension transfers has often seemed like a long climb with no end in sight. But after a two year cycle, the “peloton” is finally freewheeling towards the finish line with the...

The ECJ, VAT and Investment Trusts

The European Court of Justice (ECJ) recently ruled on the VAT treatment of management services to UK investment trust companies (ITCs). In this newsletter, we consider the essential parts of the case and its potential impact on...

Institutional Review published

In the White Paper of May 2006, the Government announced that it would be undertaking an external review of organisations involved in the regulations and protection of workplace pensions. In January 2007, Paul Thornton, a former President...

New “Aussie Rules” on UK transfers

Australia is one of the top destinations for UK migrants. For this reason many pension schemes will have been or will be involved in transferring pension benefits to its fair shores. From 1 July this year, Australia is introducing changes...

TPR – its toolkit, the codes, its guidance

One of the Pensions Regulator’s (TPR) main objectives is to promote and improve understanding of “the good administration of work-based pension schemes”. Since its inception over two years ago, TPR has become an...

Clearance – TPR moves the goalposts?

The Pensions Regulator (TPR) has extensive anti-avoidance powers aimed at preventing employers from dodging pension scheme liabilities. However, a clearance procedure is in place which allows parties to seek a binding statement that TPR...

Freedom of Information Act

Two recent decision notices from the Information Commissioner have focused local authorities minds on the FOIA implications of investing in private equity. Download...