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Proposed extension of anti-avoidance powers

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has announced its intention to enhance the Pensions Regulator’s powers “to require contributions to pension schemes when sponsor actions materially reduce the security of member...

Overpayments – a taxing problem?

In recent years, another layer of complexity has been added to the already complicated (and sometimes emotionally fraught) area of mistaken overpayments by pension schemes. The culprit is the Finance Act 2004 and its treatment of...

Clearance – more obstacles in the way?

Clearance was introduced in April 2005 as a voluntary process to meet concerns about how the Pensions Regulator was going to use its anti-avoidance pwoers. The original clearance guidance was understandably focused on process. But...

Whose debt is it anyway?

If a company exits an underfunded multi-employer defined benefit (DB) scheme (the cessation employer), its share of the deficit becomes a debt due to the trustees (the employer debt). Since September 2005, the employer debt has been...

IDRP – the new arrangements

From 6 April 2008, the option of having a simplified single stage internal dispute resolution procedure (IDRP) will become a reality, although trustees can stick with their current two-stage IDRP if they wish. Representing a move away from...

Budget 2008 – what’s in it for pensions?

The Chancellor, Alistair Darling, delievered his first Budget on Wednesday 12 March 2008. In terms of pensions, the additional tax simplification measures announced largely reflect the 2007 pre-Budget Report. Although the Budget summarises...

Conflicts guidance – a high five from the Regulator

With the primary objective of promoting “good scheme governance arrangements”, the Pensions Regulator’s long awaited draft guidance on “Conflicts of Interest” has finally been published for consultation....