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Fresh approach to disclosure regulation

With spring in the air, the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has issued its latest consultation outlining a fresh approach to disclosure. Having been identified in the Deregulatory Review as an area which could lead the way in terms...

Introduction of the upper accrual point

The Government is in the process of reforming the State Second Pension (S2P). Unfortunately, certain changes coming into force on 6 April 2009 will have unintended consequences for occupational pension schemes. Download...

Heyday – the ECJ decides

On 5 March 2009, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) published its highly anticipated judgment in the Heyday case. The case challenged provisions under the Age Regulations which allow employers to dismiss workers aged 65 or over, provided...

GMPs – trying for a conversion?

As this year’s Six Nations Championship gathers pace, the northern hemisphere rugby union fraternity is steadily getting to grips with “experimental law variations”. From 6 April 2009, a new pensions law variation takes...

Tax simplification – deadlines and headlines

A-Day (6 April 2006) may now be a distant memory, but tax simplification continues to raise new issues for pension schemes. As well as highlighting some important deadlines which are looming, in this Alert we also take a brief look at some...

TPR – your flexible friend?

Recognising that these are difficult times, on 18 February 2009 the Pensions Regulator (TPR) issued a statement to employers who sponsor defined benefit pension schemes regarding the impact of current economic conditions. This follows a...

The curious case of revaluation in deferment

Riding under the banner of “simplification”, the Government’s much vaunted plan to reduce the cap on revaluing final salary deferred pensions will be realised from 6 April 2009. Like any Oscar nominated film, this change has been a...