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TPR publishes annual funding statement 2022 in “turbulent times”

Introduction TPR’s latest annual funding statement was published on 27 April 2022.  As you would expect, TPR focuses on the current period of “significant economic uncertainty” and how this may impact schemes.  The statement...

HMRC publishes GMP equalisation guidance on historical transfers and conversion

Introduction On 6 April 2022, HMRC released further guidance on some of the pensions tax issues associated with equalising benefits for the effect of GMPs. The guidance focuses specifically on tax issues arising in respect of correcting...

Facilitating investment in illiquid assets by DC schemes

Introduction On 30 March 2022 the DWP published a consultation seeking views on proposals and draft regulations to improve the accessibility of illiquid assets for DC pension scheme investment. Click here for a PDF of this Alert. In this...

April 2022 and beyond – key dates for your diary

Introduction Whilst all was quiet for pensions in the Chancellor’s spring statement last week, April and the rest of 2022 heralds a number of changes for pension schemes. Where necessary, trustees and employers should seek advice on what...

Pensions Dashboards – your DWP needs you!

Introduction On 31 January 2022, the DWP published a consultation on pensions dashboards, including draft regulations.  The purpose of the consultation is to seek views on a range of policy areas relating to the creation of pensions...

Stronger Nudge to pensions guidance

Introduction On 17 January 2022, the DWP published its response to the July 2021 consultation, together with final regulations, on proposals to implement a “Stronger Nudge” to pensions guidance. Click here for a PDF of this Alert. In...

The 2022/23 PPF levy determination

Introduction On 16 December 2021, the PPF published its policy statement and formal levy rules for 2022/23. Click here for a PDF of this Alert. In this Alert Key points Covid-19 Alternate Covenant Schemes (“ACSs”) Next steps Key points...