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PPF approves GMP equalisation solution

Following a consultation back in April 2008, the Board of the Pension Protection Fund (PPF) has finally outlined how it intends to equalise compensation between men and women, to address any inequalities arising from their entitlement to...

Has your scheme got the governance X factor?

The need for good governance is not exclusive to pension schemes. But for pension schemes the notion of good governance has sprawled into almost every aspect of trustees` work. Set against the backdrop of legislative and regulatory...

The Road to 2012: building the foundations for new pensions saving

While the foundations are being laid at the Olympic Park, the groundwork is also being set for another big event in 2012, the introduction of the new automatic enrolment requirements and the Personal Accounts regime. In our latest eNews we...

Default retirement age of 65 – here today, gone tomorrow?

The eagerly awaited High Court decision in the Heyday case was published on 25 September 2009. The case centred on a challenge to the legality of provisions in the Employment Equality (Age) Regulations 2006 which allow employers to dismiss...

Once more unto the employer debt breach

In response to industry concerns that the employer debt legislation unnecessarily inhibits corporate activity (a concern also voice by the Deregulatory Review), the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has published a consultation...

The Companies Act – The Last Chapter

With 1300 sections and 16 schedules gradually coming into effect over 35 months, the gargantuan Companies Act 2006 (the Act) is finally due to be fully in force from 1 October 2009. Here we highlight some of the key features of the Act...

Finance Act 2009 – this time it’s personal

This year’s Finance Bill received Royal Assent on 21 July 2009. The new Act brings into force new tax relief restrictions on pension savings for high earners, which were announced in the Budget on 22 April 2009. Firstly, from 2011,...