
Find out what’s happening at Sackers. Our News section provides information about recent work, press comment and media coverage, and what our people are doing.

Latest News

Restricting pensions tax relief: the verdict

Introduction The Government has today published its final plans for the restriction of pensions tax relief. In a move which will come as a relief to many DB scheme members, the revised AA has been set at £50,000 – higher than...

Hutton Report – the Future of Public Sector Pensions

Introduction In June 2010, John Hutton, the former Labour Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, was appointed to examine the future of public sector pensions as chair of the independent Public Service Pensions Commission. Today, the...

DC Quarter: Conquer the Comms Challenge

Introduction DC member communications are crucial to help employees make appropriate decisions about their pension benefits. However, negotiating the legal restrictions leaves many employers feeling they are prevented from providing the...

Governance Spotlight: MNT arrangements

Introduction Welcome to the first in our new series of newsletters from the Sackers’ Governance Team, taking a fresh look at scheme governance in practice. A trustee board made up of individuals with the right skill set is a fundamental...

We’re listening… The Government consults on pensions issues

Introduction The Coalition Government has been keen from the outset to make its mark on UK pensions. As well as undertaking a number of reviews into the previous administration’s plans (including a full evaluation of the proposals for...

Investment Hot Topics

Introduction On 2 September, the DWP published new regulations which will have an impact on the self investment rules that apply to occupational pension schemes. Whilst Europe continues to grapple with the fallout from the credit crunch,...

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water…

Introduction The pensions industry breathed a collective sigh of relief when A-Day (6 April 2006) came and went, and the world did not end. Since then, transitional arrangements have lurked beneath the surface of the pensions world keeping...