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Pensions without the default retirement age – time to make a change?

Introduction With the default retirement age (DRA) gone1, where does this leave occupational pension schemes? The Government might believe the change has “no impact”2 on schemes but, in practice, the DRA’s removal is already being...

Is your scheme family friendly?

Introduction With the Coalition poised to put forward further extensive changes to family friendly rights,1 now is the time for pension schemes to ensure that they are up to date with the changes so far. In this Alert: Key points Where...

PPF entry: a smooth landing

Introduction The PPF provides compensation for pension scheme members if their employer goes out of business and the pension scheme cannot provide benefits in excess of PPF compensation levels. But it is not always easy to foresee PPF...

Who’s Who? Identifying your statutory employer

Introduction In July 2011, TPR issued a statement: Identifying your Statutory Employer. It reminds trustees that they should “identify and assess the legal obligations of each of the scheme’s employers, as well as the nature and extent...

Governance Spotlight: keep playing the “record”

Introduction The need to improve standards of information held in member records can start to slip off the radar. After all, TPR first issued its guidance just over a year ago and its timetable to see measurable improvements by the end...

Bridge too far? DWP set to legislate

Introduction The Supreme Court’s decision in the Bridge Trustees case1 was published on 27 July 2011. It addresses the dividing line between DB and DC benefits. How the benefit is classified makes a difference to the protections...

The Road to 2012: Final Preparations Underway

Introduction With the launch1 of yet another consultation on workplace pension reforms, the 2012 starting line for automatic enrolment draws one step nearer. This latest consultation follows the findings of an independent review...