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Automatic enrolment – who is a “worker”?

Introduction While some of the largest employers have already started enrolling “eligible jobholders” into a qualifying pension scheme to meet their automatic enrolment obligations, for most the duty bites from this year...

Pensions and Growth – A call for evidence

Introduction On 25 January 2013, the Government took the first steps along the road to making possible changes to the DB scheme funding regime by issuing “A call for evidence” relating to the “smoothing” of assets...

TPR sets the standard for DC schemes

Introduction On 10 January 2013, TPR published a consultation on a new code of practice (the “Code”), regulatory guidance (the “Guidance”) and regulatory approach relating to the administration and governance of...

Pensions White Paper

Introduction The Pensions White Paper was published yesterday1. This confirms that a flat rate state pension of £144 per week (at today’s prices) will be introduced from 2017, at the earliest. All individuals with a NICs record of...

RPI – No change

Introduction CPAC was asked to consider and comment on the recommendations the ONS developed following their October 2012 consultation on changing the methodology for calculating RPI. This consultation put forward four possible options...

Contingent Assets 2013/14: Revised guidance on certification of guarantor strength

Introduction The PPF has revised its contingent assets guidance (the “Guidance”) for the levy year 2013/14 with the aim of giving schemes “a better steer” on what to consider when planning to use guarantees as...