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Fixed Protection 2014: Deadline countdown

Introduction With the standard LTA reducing to £1.25 million from its current level of £1.5 million from 6 April 2014, individuals with existing pension savings who have not already done so should consider now whether to apply...

Budget 2014: Never a quiet year for pensions

Introduction Having been expected to give pensions a wide berth, George Osborne’s fourth Budget as Chancellor (delivered on 19 March 2014) heralded some significant changes for DC schemes aimed at generating flexibility for members...

Changes to disclosure requirements from 6 April 2014

Introduction Revised disclosure regulations (“the new regulations”) will come into force on 6 April 2014. In this Alert: Key points  Background The new regulations What’s new? Action Key points The new disclosure regulations...

PPF’s levy determination for 2014/15

Introduction The PPF’s levy determination for 2014/15 was published in December 2013. In this Alert: Key points  Contingent Assets Re-characterisation of money purchase benefits Key dates Action Looking further ahead Key points From...

Draft Finance Bill 2014 published

Introduction On 10 December 2013, the Government published the draft Finance Bill 2014(“the Bill”).  The Bill includes provisions which will introduce a new form of transitional protection from a potential LTA charge, to be known...

Autumn Statement 2013

Introduction Pensions are once again headline news, as the Chancellor announced in theAutumn Statement on 5 December 2013 measures that will see faster increases in SPA. But aside from a number of changes to the state pension, the...

Funding Defined Benefits

Introduction TPR published its promised consultation on DB scheme funding on 2 December 2013, setting out the principles for DB funding and how TPR plans to regulate it. A new code of practice and other documents look forward to the new...