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PPF consults on plans for next three years’ levy

Introduction On 29 May 2014, the PPF published a consultation on the second “PPF Levy Triennium”. The new triennium will run from 2015 and will cover the levy years 2015/16, 2016/17 and 2017/18.  As for the first triennium, the PPF...

TPR has published its revised scheme funding code

Introduction TPR has published its revised code of practice, Funding Defined Benefits, along with a number of connected documents. The new code of practice and other documents look forward to the introduction of the sustainable growth...

Pensions Act 2014

Introduction The Pensions Act 2014 (“the Act”) received Royal Assent on 14 May 2014.  While its main purpose is to implement the new single tier State pension, it also contains several key measures for occupational pension...

New collateral rule for OTC derivatives with potentially far reaching consequences for pension schemes

Introduction The European Regulators, ESMA, EBA, and EIOPA, are consulting on the draft Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) on risk mitigation techniques for over the counter derivative contracts (OTCs) not cleared by central...

Consultation on draft regulations relating to the abolition of DB contracting-out

Introduction On 8 May 2014, the DWP issued a consultation asking for views on proposed legislative changes which follow on from the abolition of DB contracting-out, together with draft regulations. In this Alert: Key points ...

Final regulations on reclassifying DC benefits

Introduction The DWP has published final Regulations following the October 2013consultation on reclassifying DC benefits in the wake of the Bridge Trustees case.  The Supreme Court’s July 2011 decision in Bridge...

TPR publishes master trust assurance framework

Introduction Following a consultation in 2013 (please see our Alert), on 1 May 2014 TPR published a master trust assurance framework which aims to enable trustees of master trusts to demonstrate to employers that their scheme is managed...