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PPF consults on 2016/17 pension protection levy

Introduction On 21 September 2015, the PPF announced that the 2016/17 levy estimate will be set at £615 million and published the 2016/17 PPF levy consultation document. The consultation closes on 22 October 2015. In this Alert Key points...

Assessing and monitoring the employer covenant: TPR’s new guidance

Introduction TPR has published new guidance on assessing and monitoring the employer covenant of a DB pension scheme. Replacing TPR’s original 2010 guide to “monitoring employer support”, the new guidance is designed to provide...

Pension transfers and early exit charges: consultation

Introduction The Government issued a consultation on 30 July 2015, seeking views on options to address possible barriers to people switching their pensions to access the new DC freedoms including, excessive early exit penalties, the...

Abolition of DB contracting-out: Countdown to April 2016

Introduction Alongside the introduction of a new single tier state pension, contracting-out on a DB basis will come to an end with effect from 6 April 2016.  In preparation for this, regulations to preserve certain contracted-out rights...

Summer Finance Bill 2015

Introduction On 15 July 2015, the Government published its Summer Finance Bill (“the Bill”) with a view to introducing a number of provisions that were announced by the Chancellor in his Summer Budget. In this Alert Key points...

Abolition of DC short service refunds

Introduction On 1 October 2015, provisions will come into force which are intended to ban DC short service refunds. In this Alert Key points Background How is the change being made? Effect of right to refund under the rules? Problem of...

Summer Budget 2015

Introduction In the first Conservative Budget since 1996, the Chancellor of the Exchequer has again turned his attention to pensions. In this Alert Key points Reduction of the AA for high earners Consultation on pensions tax relief Pension...