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Further changes to automatic enrolment

Introduction Following a consultation earlier this year, the Occupational and Personal Pension Schemes (Automatic Enrolment) (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2016 (“the Regulations”) came into force on 6 April 2016, with the aim...

TPR explains “how to” implement new DC code

Introduction On 13 April 2016, TPR launched a consultation on a series of new guides aimed at helping trustees know “how to” implement the draft revised DC code which is due to come into force in July 2016. For a PDF version of this...

Finance (No.2) Bill 2016

Introduction The Finance (No.2) Bill 2016 (“the Bill”) was published on 24 March 2016. It includes measures which were first published draft in December 2015 (see our Alert) as well as new provisions which were announced in this...

Changes coming into force on and from 6 April 2016

Introduction In yet another busy year for pension schemes, the tax rules (see our Alert) are not the only things changing on and from 6 April 2016. A host of other reforms will also come into effect from that date. For a PDF version of...

Pensions tax changes from 6 April 2016

Introduction While George Osborne’s eighth Budget did not herald a major shift in the pensions tax relief system this time around (see our Alert for details), changes to the system are nevertheless on the horizon. On and from 6 April...

Budget 2016

Introduction As promised, the Chancellor of the Exchequer did not announce any changes to pensions tax relief in his 2016 Budget. While the headline is the new “Lifetime ISA”, there are a few new measures for pension schemes to grapple...

Persons with significant control regime & corporate trustees

Introduction From 6 April 2016, most companies will be required to identify and record the people or legal entities that own or control them. For a PDF version of this Alert please click here. In this Alert Key points Background What is a...