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Decision in Schrems II (Data Protection Commissioner v Facebook Ireland Ltd) (European Court of Justice) – 16 July 2020

Under the GDPR, data may only be transferred to a “third country” (ie outside the EEA) where, broadly, there is a European Commission adequacy decision there are appropriate safeguards in place, such as standard contractual clauses...

Univar UK Limited v Smith and others (High Court, 19 June 2020)

The High Court has granted rectification in respect of the Univar Company Pension Scheme (1978) (“the Scheme”), where an update to the rules of the Scheme had (unintentionally, it was argued) hard-coded RPI. Facts Univar UK Limited...

WM Morrison Supermarkets plc (“Morrisons”) v Various Claimants (Supreme Court, 1 April 2020)

The Supreme Court has held that Morrisons was not vicariously liable for the acts of one of its employees who, pursuing a personal vendetta, illicitly copied employee data given to him in his role as an auditor and published it online....

Mr S (PO-14071) (re member identity due diligence)

TPO has rejected an appeal against an adjudicator’s decision, finding that a provider’s enhanced due diligence checks to verify an overseas member’s identity were not excessive or onerous. Background Money laundering offences were...

GMP Equalisation – DWP guidance on the use of GMP conversion legislation – Summary of the 10-stage process

Stage 1 – Reach agreement with the employer – as employer consent is needed under the conversion legislation, trustees should agree with the employer that GMP conversion is to be undertaken and the terms on which benefits will be...

KeyMed Limited vs Hillman and Woodford (High Court, March 2019)

The High Court has dismissed a case against directors who were trustees of a pension scheme where the company had claimed they had breached their fiduciary duties, maximising their own pension benefits to the company’s detriment. Facts...

The Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State and another v McCloud and Mostyn and others and Sargeant v London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority and others (Court of Appeal, 20 December 2018)

The Court of Appeal (“CA”) has held that the transitional provisions which were put in place as part of reforms to both the Judicial and Firefighters’ Pension Schemes constitute unlawful direct age discrimination. Background McCloud...