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Pride in Pensions: What should trustees and providers be doing to support trans and non-binary members?

In a first for a UK census, the 2021 England & Wales census asked the public to record thei...

The General Code – Trustee remuneration policy – putting pen to paper

It’s time for schemes to put pen to paper and document their policy on remuneration. While rece...

Have you checked the “true colours” behind your rules?

In June, the rainbow flag symbolising LGBTQIA+ pride can be seen blowing in the summer breeze....

Master trust agenda – Q2 2024

This quarterly bulletin sets out current and future developments affecting master trusts, so yo...

The General Code – filling the gaps

In the previous blog  in our General Code Corner, we looked at how trustees can develop a strat...

It could never happen here….or could it? What can UK pension trustees learn from cyber disruption on the other side of the world?

“This should not have happened”, says the statement on Australian pension fund UniSuper’s websi...

Scheme surplus rules – the lottery and the ‘fix’

As a lawyer, my favourite answer to any question is “it depends”. But it is a truly...

The General Code – mind the gaps

Find the gaps Are you wondering where to start or to resume work relating to the General Code? ...

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