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Robust trustee decision-making in these difficult times

So, you’re a pension scheme trustee, and a pretty experienced one at that.  When making a decis...

Consultation on the defined benefit funding code of practice – Sackers’ response to consultation

Background The Pensions Regulator (“TPR”) is consulting on a revised defined benefit (“DB”) fun...

Consultation: taking action on climate risk

Introduction On 26 August 2020, the DWP published a consultation on pension schemes’ governance...

Review of the Default Fund Charge Cap and Standardised Cost Disclosure – Sackers’ response to consultation

Background This response relates to the Department for Work & Pension’s (“the DWP”) call fo...

Consultation on the Reform to Retail Prices Index Methodology – Sackers’ response to consultation

Background The UK Statistics Authority (“UKSA”) and HMT are jointly consulting on reforming the...

Cyber security – a recap for trustees

Pension schemes hold large amounts of personal data which are key for providing benefits. Howev...

Finance & investment briefing – September 2020

Our Finance & investment briefing (PDF) takes a look at current issues of interest to pensi...

Disclosure requirements and the member engagement challenge

Do the increased transparency and disclosure requirements for pension schemes enhance member en...

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