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To consult or not to consult? – that is the question

A question which often arises in the context of corporate transactions is whether there is a ne...

TPR’s Single Code – what should trustees be doing now?

TPR’s new single code of practice (the “Code”) is expected to be published in autumn 2022. Alth...

Can a scheme’s end-game be to simply run on?

Notwithstanding the current economic climate, an increasing number of schemes seem to be findin...

DWP consults on DB funding and investment strategy

Introduction Designed to implement new requirements set out in the PSA21 for DB schemes to have...

Corporate briefing – July 2022

2022 has been an eventful year to date. The war in Ukraine, combined with rocketing inflation a...

Pensions Dashboards – PDP publishes consultation on standards

Introduction On 19 July 2022, the PDP published a consultation on draft standards and guidance...

WEBINAR : Sackers Quarterly Legal Update – July 2022

Claire Carey provides an essential overview of significant developments affecting occupational...

Pensions Dashboards – further consultation

Background The DWP has issued a further consultation on two elements of the draft Pensions Dash...

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